When to Use Guilt in Fundraising

NEVER!!! I believe that the use of the highly manipulative nature of guilt in fundraising is one of the reasons that people HATE when the church/ministries talk about money. People have been abused emotionally (and sometimes verbally) for the sake ...

Fundraising Posts

Since I've written posts about fundraising, I thought it would be helpful to create a post that has a list of them all.  That way, as I add future posts, I can add them to this page for easy navigation ...

How George Mueller Jacked Up My Fundraising Efforts

Early on in ministry I was blessed to have mentors who weren't your classical fundraisers.  They believed that God does the heavy lifting when it comes to all things, even fundraising.  Through our time together, I became more comfortable to ...

Fundraising: Knowing When & How to Ask

Over the years I have spent a lot of time meeting with people who were raising money, and raising money myself.  There's a phrase that fundraisers talk about called "The Ask."  This is when you arrive at the point to ...

The 7 Essentials of Fundraising

People are funny when you talk about money.  Whether it's in church, a ministry, or just at the water cooler.  However, non-profit organizations survive from charitable donations, so these conversations are very necessary.  The question isn't whether these organizations need ...

The 3 No-No’s of Fundraising

I have been involved in fundraising in various capacities for over thirteen years, and I have learned a lot along the way.  As I visit with new church planters, and people trying to start non-profits, I am surprised at how ...

Creative Quiet Time

A little over a year ago I decided to stop taking medication for my Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). When I was taking meds, man could I focus, and this made my quiet times very fruitful. I would sit and journal, ...

You Are To Serve – Lessons From The Road

But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his ...

Know Your Role – Lessons From The Road

For the past decade I have been traveling and speaking and I have learned so much about the Lord, His Church, and my role as a guest in other churches and ministries. My role is to serve as a supplement ...

Would You Spare 60 Seconds?

It's incredible to know my story is live and online in several digital book stores - and you all played a huge role in making that happen. A tremendous "thank you" is most certainly in order! I want to ask ...