Slowing Down To Speed Up

Rest. People have an interesting understanding of the word 'rest'. It's not uncommon for me to hear folks say things like, "I'll rest when I'm dead!" While, in some instances, that is true, this is not a healthy pattern for ...

Stillness and Movement

“Be still, and know that I am God.     I will be exalted among the nations,     I will be exalted in the earth!” - Psalm 46:10 (ESV) This past week I had the joy of connecting with an old friend for ...

Initial Thoughts About “Movement”

There are seasons in my life when a certain word pops into my head and it has profound meaning. Almost like an 'aha!' moment, if you will. Recently, I was thinking through several leadership dynamics and learning opportunities that I've ...

Get Started

You may have heard some variation of the story of a person being overwhelmed about how to eat an elephant. The answer is a pithy, "One bite at a time!" Perhaps you struggle with analysis paralysis. You need to have ...

Showing Up

Showing up is important. Whether it's college classes, work, family life, the gym, or faith, we need to understand the power of showing up. More than merely showing up, we need to show up consistently. We need to develop the ...

Slow Down

We all need to slow down. The pace that we rush through life, check social media, text, purchase, etc., etc., etc. No wonder we feel burned out, depressed, done, and/or "can't even". How would it feel to live a life ...

Introducing the “Leadership Conversations” Podcast!

I've had the joy of launching a new podcast with my friend Josh Reich. Josh is a pastor in Arizona, an author, a blogger, and an excellent leader. We launched this podcast to have conversations that leaders want to have ...

A Dead Christmas Tree

Our Christmas tree died this year. I know, I know. They are already dead when we get them, but usually the live trees that we buy last at least until Christmas. This year, the tree started dropping needles a week ...

If You Want To Be A Writer…

If you want to be a writer, then write. Stop talking about it. Pick up a pen, or your laptop (or tablet or smart phone) and write. Let's be honest. many of us want the benefits of being a writer, ...

3 Hopes For The Depressed Soul

For many years I have battled on and off with various levels of depression and anxiety. The term "battled" is one that is true and helpful. For many, it is a battle to be fought, but the irony is, when ...