
There is a vast conundrum in our culture today regarding the view and use of time. Phrases like, "there is not enough time in a day," "I need to 'make' time for my family," and the like bring about this ...

The Glory of God in the Covenant of Marriage

This past weekend I had the privilege of officiating a wedding of my friends Ben Pun and Rachel Gor. I had met Ben last fall as he and I had mutual friends and he was looking for someone to preach ...

She’s already 1!!!

I can't believe that Braelyn is already 1 years old! I caught an early flight the morning of her birthday party in order to be home on time. The summer travel schedule is hectic, but it was a joy to ...

Going, Going, Going….

First, and this is exciting, Blake Quimby's new CD can be downloaded on iTunes by clicking here:This summer has been an amazing time of ministry. I am currently at my fourth camp in Disney, Oklahoma and so far it has ...

The Barista Prophet Iris…

Steph and I were sitting in the Starbucks (Yes! There is one here in Brenham!!!) and have made some friends who work there. There is this one lady, Iris, who is in a supervisor position (not sure if she's the ...

Spring Cleaning & New Beginnings

This is an actual blog post and not just a video of the new house. I hope you've been enjoying them, I enjoyed making them. Our house now looks tons better, and we are settling in nicely. I will continue ...

Now in Brenham…

Well, we have moved. We are now Brenhaminians, or Brenhamonians, or Brenhamists, or Brenhamspensationalists... Whatever, we now are citizens of Brenham...It's pretty funny, but when I began telling people that we were moving to Brenham, their first response was, "Will ...