Returning From the Land of Goatees and High-Fives

This past week I went with my good friends John Barnard and Justin Hyde to the Youth Ministry Conclave in Arlington, TX. I had a great time with the guys and we had the chance to reconnect with several friends as well as meet several great folks.

Here are some pictures from the event. They are a bit blurry because I had to use my Blackberry camera and I was shaky from too much coffee, or something (Thanks Dave Hassell Band for the great coffee!).

Above: Our new sign designed by Gutensite and printed by my good friend James Lane.

Above: Here is our booth (#422) with our professional arm wrestling table on one side, and our info table on the other. This was the most blurry of the pictures.

Above: Pastor Justin is getting his spin on.

Overall, it was a great time with these guys. We didn’t get near as much traffic from conference attendees as we had hoped, but are praying that some new opportunities will arise for our ministry partners.


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