Steph and I were sitting in the Starbucks (Yes! There is one here in Brenham!!!) and have made some friends who work there. There is this one lady, Iris, who is in a supervisor position (not sure if she’s the manager). We love her, she is honest and tells it like it is. Well, as we were sitting at a table with Braelyn, on the side that is close to the drink pick-up counter, we started to hear Iris go at it with a younger looking guy on the otherside of the counter. She was telling him truth!
At first we thought this guy was a customer, which made me like her EVEN more! However, it turned out that this 23 year old guy worked at the Starbucks, but still, she still rocks. Anyway, he was telling her that he stays with his grandma and that his mom pays all his bills, etc. Iris just went off on this guy (who was on the otherside of the bar!). She said stuff like, “Until you start taking responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your finances your mama is going to continue to treat you like a little boy. You need to stop acting like a boy and begin acting like a man!”
By this time Steph’s eyes were big, in like an “OH MY GOSH” sort of manner. I, on the other hand, started saying, “AMEN!”, “TELL THE TRUTH!”, etc. Steph then was trying to shush me, but I was leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed having a big smile on my face. I was loving every minute of it! I looked at Steph and said, “If I had a hundred bucks with me right now I’d give it to that lady!”
The guy looked over at me, almost looking like he was pleading for help, but I just nodded my head and kept on smiling. He eventually left and I spoke to Iris (loudly according to Steph) and told her that she rocked and I liked having a prophet behind the bar at Starbucks. She smiled and said that this guy worked there and she had been encouraging him to become a man, but he was still making boyish decisions… Amen… I love Iris… Thank the Lord for truth tellers…
Those of you who know me, know that I have a deep passion for men being trained up into God fearing, fearsome, yet compassionate, biblical men. So, to hear this truth being spoken from an older woman to this dude who needed it, was a blessing. Lord willing, in the generations to come, there will be more men speaking into other men’s lives about becoming God fearing men… We can only pray and hope that God will be merciful and do so…
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