A few days ago my good friend John Sherrill, who leads 220, called me and asked if I would be interested in preaching for his Pre-Teen Summer camp. He said he would understand if I was not interested, but wanted to ask me anyways. I told him that I would talk with Steph and pray about it.
When I talked with Steph and told her what I was asked she literally laughed in my face and said jokingly, “You’ve been demoted!!!” She said this because I have been camp pastor for 220 camps in the past for middle school and high school students. I told John this and he assured me that it was NOT a demotion.
The week he asked me to preach I am currently available. However, I have never preached to 5th and 6th graders before, so I wasn’t sure if I would connect. Most folks that know me know that I connect well with High School and up. I also have experience with Middle School students, but that is 7th grade and up. A bit different than 5th graders!
With all of this in mind, I have agreed to participate in their camp if they would have me. It is not because I’m hard up for camps, rather, the honest thing in the back of my mind is that I have a 20 month old daughter who I desire to raise up in the Lord, but I am still learning what this means. So, I decided that moving towards younger ages gradually would be good practice. I know these kids aren’t young children, but, hey, it’s challenging, and it’s a start.
Needless to say, I need your prayers. It will be great, or horrible, or a mixture of the two… We’ll have to see…