Well, for the semester anyway. By God’s grace I now only have one iTerm (week long intensive course) and the spring semester and then I will have completed my Master of Divinity (Lord Willing)! I’ve enjoyed my time at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s J. Dalton Havard School of Theology in Houston, TX. While my degree is technically ‘No Concentration’, all of my electives (with the exception of one or two) have been Bible. So, I guess my specialization is Bible, which is good, no?
Now that the semester is over, I hope to be blogging again far more frequently. There has been a lot going on that I would like to share, so stay tuned.
For those of you who don’t know, I now build websites in partnership with Gutensite. My latest site is for Calvary Baptist of Brenham. Check it out and let me know what you think! Let me know if you would like for me to build you a site!
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