29 Coffee: Drink Coffee. Plant Churches.

Church planting is one of the greatest ways to evangelize an area, and by God’s grace we are seeing many new churches planted each year in the US. However, one of the common barriers to planting new churches is the lack of monetary support. Enter in 29 Coffee which was created to serve Acts 29 Church plants throughout the US by selling quality coffee and giving the net proceeds to church plants.
As an Acts 29 pastor myself, I know first hand how difficult it can be to raise the necessary support needed to plant a new church. I became aware of 29 Coffee in the fall of 2010 after searching for different avenues of fundraising available. The first time I visited the site, I thought it was a brilliant idea. After all, how many people do we know who drink coffee? How many churches do we know who serve coffee on a weekly basis? What would it look like if those in the Kingdom would be missional even through the coffee they buy?
If you stop for just a moment and think about the potential that this could have on church planting as a whole we all could make a difference just by purchasing our coffee from 29 Coffee. You see, for every $10 you spend on a bag of coffee, $5 goes towards church planting! For ever 5 lb bulk bag you buy, $10 goes to church planting. While those numbers might initially seem minimal, there is huge potential of what we could accomplish together.
We need your help! There are several ways that you, your family, and your church can get involved. First, you can connect with us on Twitter and Facebook. You can spread the words to your friends, family, churches, and online. You can purchase coffee at www.29coffee.com or even setup a monthly subscription. On average, a family. Goes through 2-3 bags of coffee per month, so our subscriptions are very convenient. You can begin brewing 29 Coffee at your church or organization. We would love to have your partnership as we work together go plant more churches for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
NOTE: I now serve as the National Director for 29 Coffee.  This article was originally written as a guest post for this blog.
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Scan Directly to Evernote Without a Compatible Scanner

I know this post will be way out of order for my Evernote series, but I am way too excited to not share!

There is a way to utilize a ‘non-supported’ scanner to scan directly into Evernote on a Mac. I have a Neat Portable Scanner, and before today, I had to scan into the NeatWorks software, export as a PDF, and then add to Evernote. However, I found this on the Evernote blog and have tried it out.  It works!

The setup is quite simple1:

  1. Start ‘Image Capture’ – it is a free application that comes with OS X (/Applications/Image Capture)
  2. If your scanner is supported (and turned on) you will see a window similar to the one in the screenshot above
  3. Set the quality of the scan to either B/W or Color Photo (depending on what you are scanning)
  4. Give your scan a title
  5. Choose PNG, JPEG as the format. If you would rather scan to PDF, keep in mind that images in PDFs will not be recognized by our image recognition
  6. Select ‘Evernote’ as the Automatic Task – this is the key step in this process (NOTE: My ‘Image Capture’ did not have an option for ‘Automatic Task’, so I just selected Evernote as the ‘Scan to’.)
  7. And click ‘Scan’ – that’s all

1 Here is the link to their blog post that I took this info from: CLICK HERE

If you are just getting started with Evernote, then I highly recommend you purchase Evernote Essentials to save you days of learning.  Buy it now, thank me later.


Evernote: Best App 2011

Until recently, I would have never thought that one application (app) could change how I do things so profoundly on my computer, iPhone, etc.  However, Evernote has proved to be, in many ways, the missing link to my quest for increased productivity.

For those that know me well, you know that I’m not naturally the most organized person.  However, in the last year or two, my life has demanded that I pull things together and learn to be more organized.  Having a desire to lead well, write well, and most importantly, pastor well, I have become dependent on technology to help me accomplish my goals.

So, I’m going to take the next several blog posts to share with you the various aspects of using Evernote to maximize my time, efforts, and ministry.

I’ll start with this great tip.  Here’s a fantastic eBook by Brett Kelly called Evernote Essentials that you need to get, read, and implement immediately.  Read now, thank me later.  Click here to purchase your copy.

I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned!

What Apps have helped you become more productive?