Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.
You are serving the Lord Christ. – Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)
Have you ever had a day, week, month, year(s) where you’ve felt stuck? Whether it be vocationally, spiritually, or relationally, you just feel like things aren’t moving along as they should. We’ve all been there. The question is, how do you get out of this season?
The other day I went to help a friend get his yard in order, because he was feeling overwhelmed by it. There had been some time that had passed from the last time he did yard work, for sure, but it wasn’t all that bad. However, the task seemed daunting to him, because he felt stuck. This experience caused me to reflect on times when I have felt overwhelmed or stuck, which has happened several times in the past.
Here are a few things to remember when you are feeling stuck and some things to help you become unstuck:
- Remember Whose You Are. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you have been purchased, adopted, and identified with Christ. As followers of Jesus we need to remember that we are called to freedom (Galatians 5:1, 13) and not slavery. This freedom enables us to become unstuck.
- Confess Your Stuck-ness. We were made to be in relationship with other people. For followers of Jesus, we’ve been called to live in community with one another. Confess your stuck-ness to God, and to those who are around you who will love you, pray for you, and if necessary, hold you accountable.
- Set Realistic Goals. If you have some chores that need to get done, create a list/check list. I like to use a free service called Do.com for this, but a regular old pen and paper works just fine. If you haven’t read your Bible in months, then setting a goal of reading it for 3 hours is not realistic. If your entire house needs to be deep cleaned, but you only have an hour, then pick a room. If your house is a total disaster, then start by cleaning the room used least, so that it will stay cleaner long.
- Just Do Something. A lot of times, when we are feeling stuck, we end up not doing anything. That’s almost always the worst solution to this problem. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves, we need to find something constructive to do and do it. For those who are ‘waiting on the Lord’ (there is certainly time for this, but a lot of people use that excuse to cover up their laziness), they need to realize that there is a lot that they should still be doing (i.e. The Great Commandment & The Great Commission). I really enjoyed a book by Kevin DeYoung called, wait for it… Just Do Something.
- Ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help. Perhaps you need to hire someone to help you with a task, you need to delegate a project, or you just need to ask some people in your community for help. After all, most of the time, our pride keeps us from asking for help, and we all know that only hurts us.
What are some other things that you have done to help you become unstuck? Share with us by leaving a comment.
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