Slowing Down To Speed Up

Rest. People have an interesting understanding of the word ‘rest’. It’s not uncommon for me to hear folks say things like, “I’ll rest when I’m dead!” While, in some instances, that is true, this is not a healthy pattern for long-term quality of life.

I’ve been chewing on the word ‘movement’ lately (as I mentioned in previous posts) and I am certainly one who likes to keep things moving. I like to observe or at least feel like things are moving in the right direction. This has inevitably led me to believe wrongly that if I take the time to rest, then things will stop moving.

If you stop to rest, things might slow down in moving. This is why it is important to have an understanding about the correlation of your efforts and the momentum that it produces. Additionally, we must understand that there will be a diminishing return on our efforts if we are physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually fatigued.

In fact, I am slowly learning that in order for me to keep things moving in the right direction, I need to rest frequently and well.

My family and I have begun setting apart Saturdays as a Sabbath. As a pastor, Sundays are often busy with church services, pastoral care meetings, and other events. So, in the simplest way that we know how, we have started blocking off around 8 to 10 hours on Saturdays where we change our rhythm, rest, read, play, and relax.

From doing this over the past year, I have observed an uptick in my capacity the other six days of the week to have the brain space to engage in the areas that are most important to keep things moving in ministry and in business. By no means do I have this down perfectly, but there is definitely movement in the right direction. (<– See what I did there?)

So, whether you are great at resting or, like most of us, struggle to rest well, then I want to encourage you that there is a great benefit to resting. Interestingly enough, our Creator modeled this truth from the beginning. Since the Lord rested, then I think we would do well to rest as well. Simple, yet, true. We need to slow down sometimes in order to speed up.

Until next time, rest well, friends!

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Stillness and Movement

“Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!”
– Psalm 46:10 (ESV)

This past week I had the joy of connecting with an old friend for lunch. I shared how I have been thinking a lot about the word and concept ‘Movement’. I reflected with him that it seems that many of us have trouble either with moving too much, moving too soon, or not moving at the right time. Not merely in a physical sense, but holistically.

He said something that I had heard before, but it landed differently with me.

He said, “It’s interesting, but we are referred to as human beings, not human doings…”

I don’t know about you, but for the majority of my life, I feared stillness, because I was afraid that I would get stuck. In the Psalm, I shared above (Psalm 46:10), it is one instance of many in the Bible that talk about the importance of being still and knowing God.

This is not to say that God doesn’t meet us in our movement, but it does mean that we need to be rightly intuned with the Lord’s leading and movement before we allow ourselves to get out ahead of him (metaphorically speaking, of course). Following Jesus means staying in step with him, and not trying to run ahead.

Perhaps we could all benefit from being still to reflect on who God is, so that as we move, we can be increasingly confident that we are moving in accordance to his will.

Let’s be still so that when we move, we move with power!

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Initial Thoughts About “Movement”

There are seasons in my life when a certain word pops into my head and it has profound meaning. Almost like an ‘aha!’ moment, if you will.

Recently, I was thinking through several leadership dynamics and learning opportunities that I’ve had and the word ‘Movement’ popped into my head.

Many people like to feel like there is movement in their lives. That they aren’t stuck. That they are moving forward.

In fact, a lot of the reason why I believe that we allow ourselves to become so busy is that we are afraid of being still, and want to ensure that our stillness is at a minimum.

I’ve heard people say, “If you’re not moving, then you’re dead.”

Movement. We want to be moving, but to what end?

More to come on this interesting word. Until then, move wisely.

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