‘Steal Like an Artist’ by Austin Kleon

3d-Steal-Like-an-Artist-NYTThis evening I was reading this small book, Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon and my wife, Steph, asked me how I read through it so quickly.  I told her that it was good and had a lot of pictures.  She laughed, but then I showed her, it has a lot of pictures.

I am grateful for this book.  It was recommended to me awhile back from my buddy, James, who is a filmmaker.  Actually, he recommended it almost a year ago, but better late than never, right?  Anyways, I am grateful for this book because it reminded me of who I am.  Whether I like to admit it at times or not, I am a creative person.

I feel most alive when I am able to be creative.  I think that’s one of the reasons why I enjoy being a pastor so much, is because I have the privilege of writing sermons each week, which allows me some opportunity for creativity.  While I enjoy being creative, as Kleon articulates well in his book, it really does take a lot of work.

The subtitle of the book is 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, which includes things like, “Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started.”  This here was a great reminder for me.  Although I have already published my first book, I still find myself trying to re-find my voice.  It’s like I get writers amnesia or something.  Part of the take-away for me from that section of the book was to begin writing, and trust that my voice will surface as I do the work.

Another tip he offers is, “Be boring.”  Because being creative requires so much energy, it is important to stay focused on the work of being creative, instead of always being sidetracked by other, less productive things.

If you are creative or have any interest in being a creative person, then I highly recommend this fun read.  Check out Steal Like an Artist and begin, well, stealing like an artist.

What books have you read that have helped you be more creative?  Leave a comment to share below.

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